Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Film Genre Audiences

Horror Audiences - mostly male
Normally its the suspense and tension made by the elements of the film that make the film good, depending of what type of horror it is it could have many attractions to this audience (gore, slasher, psychological, mind games). For a male audience there is normally a girl in the film that at one point or another has not a lot of clothing on not necessarily in an obvious way they may just be ripped from something in the plot.

Action Film - aimed at males 18-30 year old's
Most action films have a lot of explosions, guns and one main leader/character. To appeal to this audience there is usually a bad side and good side that have some sort of confrontation.

Fantasy Film - aimed at children 8-14 year old's
As this audience is children the film normally charcterises the main characters as kids of those ages, they sometimes include someone slightly older aswell so that the audience watching have a rolemodel in the feel to look up to. Generally for fantasy they are stories that include some sort of fairytale like features that the kids know and can relate with.

Romantic Comedy - aimed at couples
For a romatic comedy is usually starts out with a couple that fall in love but get split up by something. The male lead tries to win the girl back by some big romantic gesture but along the way things still go wrong for him but in the end the female lead realises the still loves him and it ends happily ever after.

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